Sunday, March 14, 2010

One poem "2" ways..questionable outcome *shrugs*

I dream in Black and White. Where have the colors gone?
I hear in one flat octave. Where are the missing tones?
I see with no dimension. Where is your depth of soul?
I recognize the problem. Where have you hid my joy?

Where have you hid my joy? I lost it in your rage.
Where is your depth of soul? I could never scratch the surface.
Where are the missing tones? I sang for hates lost ears.
Where have the colors gone? I gave them in my smiles.

I gave them in my smiles. Where now they shine intensely.
I sang for hates lost ears. Where now I've found my voice.
I could never scratch the surface. Where now you linger hidden.
I lost it in your rage. Where now I've found my peace.

I dream in Black and White. Where have the colors gone?
I gave them in my smiles. Where now they shine intensely.
I hear in one flat octave. Where are the missing tones?
I sang for hates lost ears. Where now I've found my voice.
I see with no dimension. Where is your depth of soul?
I could never scratch the surface. Where now you linger hidden.
I recognize the problem. Where have you hid my joy?
I lost it in your rage. Where now I've found my peace.

4 Dark Enlightening Thoughts:

The Savage said...

Darkly beautiful.... haunting....

Anonymous said...


My spider sense is tingling here and I do not for any reason tolerate violence
in any form given or dished out to lady. This makes me want to… well I won’t get upset, promise….

But now the second part…. The peace part makes my heart sing…..

dolorah said...

Ok, I'm hooked. And not for just this one reading. I've been scrolling down; and thoroughly entranced.


The Invisible Seductress said...

Thank you Donna!!! WELCOME! HUGS